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  • 02. 05. 2023: Today we inform you that our long-time American Managing Director John Pitcher has taken a well-deserved retirement. We thank him for his long-standing cooperation and wish Mr Pitcher all the best, ... [mehr]


  • 16. 03. 2023: weber Sensors GmbH is known for high quality and customer satisfaction.   DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is the quality management system that meets the internationally recognised quality requirements of ISO ... [mehr]


  • 03. 01. 2023: A happy, healthy and successful year 2023   wishes the team of   [mehr]


  • 16. 11. 2022: Companies from a broad range of industries trust in us and our products.   Our customers are the best judge of how good we and our products really are. Therefore, we conduct customer satisfaction ... [mehr]


  • 15. 03. 2022: All employees of weber Sensors GmbH would like to express solidarity and hope for peace by wearing "Solidarity masks Ukraine".   By purchasing the masks, we support the aid organization "Aktion ... [mehr]


  • 01. 03. 2022: We are happy to present our new website. [mehr]


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