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American Management visits Germany

Today we inform you that our long-time American Managing Director John Pitcher has taken a well-deserved retirement. We thank him for his long-standing cooperation and wish Mr Pitcher all the best, especially health, much happiness and joy for this new phase of his life.


In the course of this change, the now sole Managing Director of weber Sensors GmbH, Mrs Contessa Eutsler, made the long journey from America to Kollmar to gain an on-site overview of business development, production and current projects.


During the visit, our new general manager, Mrs Jasmin Münster, was also officially introduced. For many years, Mrs Münster has been entrusted with leading tasks in our administration and personnel department and will take over the management of weber Sensors GmbH in Kollmar with immediate effect. We wish Mrs Münster much success in her new tasks and look forward to a continued pleasant cooperation.


Contessa Eutsler und Jasmin Münster

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Di, 02. Mai 2023

Weitere Meldungen

Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

weber Sensors GmbH is known for high quality and customer satisfaction.   DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is ...

Happy New Year!

A happy, healthy and successful year 2023   wishes the team of